Paulius Jakimavičius
Platform Team Lead & Software Developer at Teamwork.
Passionate about new technology, startups, software architecture, optimisation and doing things the right way.
In love with Golang, Vue.js, SCSS, Node.js.
Huge interest in electronics, Arduino, robotics, automation, AI, ML, AR/VR, infosec and gamedev.
I love travel and I've been lucky to be working remotely since the start of 2016, since then I've lived in Ireland, Netherlands, Italy, Denmark, Montenegro and Estonia, and travelled everywhere in between those destinations. :)
Currently residing in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Simple Log Paste Service

Logpasta is a simple, secure log paste service inspired by similar applications, however I ran into a UX barrier when sharing output from terminal applications and scripts, and so the most important aspect of the service was born - an open-source CLI.
Built from scratch with Go, MariaDB, Redis and S3; with Go templates, a sprinkle of SCSS and some optional JavaScript on the frontend.
Free Sketching Web App

SketchDaily is a free online educational tool designed to help you improve your sketching and drawing skills. And have a laugh!
Public beta launch was on the 18th September 2017. The projects is currently dormant but continues to attract a few artistic visitors every month.
Built from scratch with Go, MariaDB, Redis, S3 in the back; Pug, LESS, CoffeeScript and Knockout in the front.
Dungeon Treasure Hunt
HTML5 Game

A small open source bomberman-like HTML5 game built from scratch during a 7 hour gamejam, hence unfinished, but it was fun making it. :)
Listen on SoundCloud
Although I don't have as much time for music production, I dabbled in some electronic, dubstep, DnB, triphop and instrumental stuff as well as orchestral and game soundtracks.
Get in touch
You can reach me via email ripexz [at] or via social media. I'm always open to a coffee/beer and a chat!